To ensure fiscal stability, we are implementing significant budget reductions that will impact all areas of SRVUSD. This process involves collaboration and negotiations with our unions—CSEA, SEIU, and SRVEA—through collective bargaining. CSEA and SEIU represent our non-management classified employees, while SRVEA is our local chapter of the California Teachers Association (CTA), representing non-management credentialed staff.
Each employee of SRVUSD, regardless of title or classification, works toward the same goal - supporting the success of our students. This shared understanding, along with robust community partnership, acknowledges each employee's talent, dedication, and commitment to students, along with the pivotal role our parents and caregivers play in making SRVUSD successful. Only through a collective and cooperative effort from all members of our SRVUSD community, standing shoulder to shoulder, can we construct the needed changes to best serve our diverse student population while having fewer resources to accomplish that goal.
This collective bargaining process is where representatives from each of our unions meet with SRVUSD management to negotiate some aspects of the approved reduction plan. Understandably, this process inherently brings challenges, as no one wants reductions that negatively affect our staff or our students. I remain committed to engaging in collaborative, good-faith discussions with each of our union groups, and I believe everyone desires to minimize the negative impacts while addressing the fiscal realities we face. We unequivocally need to make significant reductions in our expenditures while concurrently exploring ways to increase our future revenue.
To build shared understanding and increase transparency, SRVUSD will publish summaries of each negotiation session on our website after each session. Today’s summary is already posted. These summaries will provide objective and factual updates on discussion topics from each session, links to the formal proposals exchanged between parties, and progress toward reaching an agreement.